I remember Russel coming back in 1984 to speak to the form 12's. He talked about 'the wider circle of friends'; those friends outside of normal contact and how he missed, and by extension, we all miss the wider circle of friends. It was interesting for me obviously as I'm still talking about it 40 years on...
I remember Russel coming back in 1984 to speak to the form 12's. He talked about 'the wider circle of friends'; those friends outside of normal contact and how he missed, and by extension, we all miss the wider circle of friends. It was interesting for me obviously as I'm still talking about it 40 years on...
Congratulations to Tom Macky (’17) who has been selected in the Cambridge Men’s Eight for The 2025 Boat Race.
This prestigious race between Cambridge and Oxford Universities now spans 185 years of rivalry and has established itself as one of the greatest and most historic rowing races in amateur sport.
Tom, who has previously studied and rowed at Harvard, is currently completing a Master of Philosophy in Education, Globalisation and International Development at Cambridge University.
The Cambridge crew seeks to defend their win from 2024 when they take to the Thames on the 13th of April. For more information and to watch live visit . All the best Tom! ... See MoreSee Less
2 CommentsComment on Facebook
Well done Tom! 👏
Also a member of the impressive 2017 Henley Royal Regatta winning crew!
2025 OSCA Annual Dinner | BOOK NOW
Discounts apply for tickets purchased before 1 May.
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Guest of Honour: Russel Howcroft - broadcaster, media personality and Old Boy from the Class of 1983.
Contact your peers, form a table and book early. Discounts available for YOBs.
The OSCA Annual Dinner is an excellent opportunity for generations of Scotchies to connect with our alumni community and celebrate our school's Scottish tradition. ... See MoreSee Less
1 CommentComment on Facebook
I remember Russel coming back in 1984 to speak to the form 12's. He talked about 'the wider circle of friends'; those friends outside of normal contact and how he missed, and by extension, we all miss the wider circle of friends. It was interesting for me obviously as I'm still talking about it 40 years on...