Old Scotch Bowls Club is part of The APS Past Students Bowls Association and plays matches against other APS Clubs from all the major APS Old Boys’ societies. The APS inter-club matches are played in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
McKinley Wilson Encouragement Award
Manson Russel Oxley Jones Shield
Old Scotch Bowls Club members compete for two annual awards; the Manson Russel Oxley Jones Shield for Best Team player and the McKinley Wilson Encouragement Award for new bowlers joining our Club.
Club activities are located at the excellent facilities of the MCC Bowls Section in Hawthorn. There are two separate clubs including grass and synthetic greens.
Bowls is a sport that caters for players who have sporting injuries particularly bad backs. There are bowling arm extensions available to allow those players to participate.
The Club celebrated it’s 50th Anniversary in 2020, and it now has an opening of the season lunch, as well as another lunch for a Presentation Day/End of Season celebration.
The Club bowls on Wednesday afternoons to an APS game schedule together with the booking form and explanatory letter sent to members.
The Season consists of 13 matches starting in September and going through to early April. Matches are played on Wednesday afternoons from 11.00am to 2.00pm. Members can choose those games they would like to play and there is no minimum number of games that must be played in a season.
Normal MCC Greens Games now commence at 11:00am, include a lunch of Sandwiches and Scones approx. 12:30pm, then more play after lunch until approximately 2:30pm. Refreshments can be enjoyed following the close of play with other players and members.
Download: Season 2024 – 2025
At the end of the bowling season there is an APS Bowls Club Championship to decide the APS champion for the year and is keenly contested.
New Members without any bowling experience are welcome and we provide free coaching lessons and loan bowls while new members develop an understanding and the skills of the game.
Membership is open to both Male and Female members of the Scotch Family and is inexpensive with the Annual Subscription fee of $25.00 and $10.00 for each regular game booked which includes green fees and lunch. During the season, an additional fee is charged for the APS Championship game and two other away games, including lunch, which is more substantial than the normal games.
For information about new memberships, please contact David Tennent (details below). A meeting will be organised to brief new members about the club, the facilities and to issue the OSBC Membership Application Form.
David Tennent
Email: david.tennent@bigpond.com